February 1, 2021
Lost and found, sister-hood, 1 February 2021 Women Leaving Islam follows six young women’s trajectories out of the faith of their parents. Despite often highly traumatic stories, these young women are composed and articulate, and despite facing pushback for leaving Islam, from ostracisation to violence, they all have the sense of finding peace and a new sense of purpose after leaving the faith, despite the personal costs in terms of rejection by their family and community, the risks they face as apostates and constant harassment. Youtuber ‘Mimzy Vidz’ describes her growing discomfort with her family’s religion, despite having positioned herself as...
Filed as: Media Coverage

January 29, 2021
World Hijab Day, la sfida delle femministe al velo islamico e alla sua celebrazione, ilFattoQuotidiano.it, 29 January 2021 Il 1 febbraio 2013 Nazma Khan, statunitense originaria del Bangladesh, lanciava il World Hijab Day, iniziativa dai tratti ambigui supportata dalle frange più tradizionaliste delle comunità islamiche, nella quale si afferma una sorta di orgoglio dell’indossare il velo o le altre più pesanti coperture del corpo delle donne nel nome della libertà religiosa, un messaggio rivolto in particolare ai paesi europei, come la Francia, che non adottano politiche multiculturali, diffuse invece in Gran Bretagna e Germania. In occasione dell’istituzione della giornata Ali...
Filed as: Media Coverage

January 27, 2021
On Zara Kay, News Intervention, 27 January 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

January 22, 2021
Il festival per la libertà di espressione: parla l’ideatrice Emanuela Marmo 10-30 settembre 2021, Salerno Today, 22 January 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

January 21, 2021
Festival delle Arti per la libertà d’espressione, Di Redazione Informare, 21 January 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

January 19, 2021
From the hijab to freedom, Rahila Gupta, New Humanist, 19 January 2021 A new documentary “Women Leaving Islam”, by the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, tells the story of six women escaping the violence of Islam’s modesty culture. On World Hijab Day, 1 February, the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) will premiere Women Leaving Islam online, a documentary which explores the violence and repression that Islam’s modesty culture visits upon its women. Six women from the most diverse backgrounds, from different countries in the world and different wings of Islam but now settled in Europe and Australia, talk movingly of their journey...
Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases

January 6, 2021
Drop charges against ex-Muslim campaigner in Tanzania, NSS, 6 January 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

January 6, 2021
Australian Zara Kay, campaigner for ex-Muslim women, left ‘traumatised’ by arrest in Tanzania over social media post, ABC News, 4 January 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

January 5, 2021
#JusticeForZaraKay #JusticeForZara #StandUpForZaraKay, Faithless Hijabi, 5 January 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

January 5, 2021
Tanzania faces increasing pressure to free ex-Muslim apostate Zara Kay, The Freethinker, 5 January 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage