October 27, 2020
Nina Sankari: Bez uwolnienia Polski od opresji religijnej nie będzie tu wolności i demokracji, Wyborcza, 27 October 2020
Filed as: Media Coverage

October 20, 2020
Non dimentichiamo Samuel Paty, MicroMega, 20 October 2020
Filed as: Media Coverage

October 19, 2020
Fundamentalism, the antidote is the knowledge of voices. Especially that of lay women, News Current, 19 October 2020
Filed as: Media Coverage

October 19, 2020
Fondamentalismo, l’antidoto è la conoscenza delle voci. Soprattutto quella delle donne laiche, il Fatto Quotidiano, 19 October 2020
Filed as: Media Coverage

October 19, 2020
From Feminist Dissent Marieme Helie Lucas, an Algerian sociologist and freedom fighter, founder of the solidarity networks Women Living Under Muslim Laws, and Secularism is a Women’s Issue argues that the roots of the murder of Samuel Paty go back to the 1990s and the experience of Algerians in the ‘war against civilians’.  She argues that we should ‘Stand and Be Counted’. Assassinations by decapitation or by the sword – which are highly symbolic of all Muslim extreme right organisations (Al Quaeda, the Taliban, GIA, Shabab, Daesh, Boko Haram, etc…) – are not a new phenomenon in France. Several cases...
Filed as: Media Coverage

September 25, 2020
Support voor Charlie Hebdo. ‘Wij zijn niet beledigd’, Vrij Links, 25 September 2020
Filed as: Media Coverage

September 16, 2020
Caricatures de Mahomet : Paroles de musulmans non offensés, Charlie Hebdo, 16 September 2020
Filed as: Media Coverage

September 16, 2020
Today’s issue of Charlie Hebdo with (mostly) #exMuslims, thanks to Inna Shevchenko. Caricatures de Mahomet : Paroles de musulmans non offensés, Charlie Hebdo, 16 September 2020 Translation of my contribution: “A progressive, satirical anti-clerical tradition such as that of Charlie Hebdo’s is not the sole domain of the West. When Charlie Hebdo draws Mohammed, it gives those of us battling apostasy and blasphemy laws in today’s Islamic states much needed support and strength. Having paid the highest of prices, Charlie Hebdo continues to remind the world that criticism of Islam and the sacred is a right, that silence and censorship...
Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases

September 13, 2020
It’s Time To Criticize Islam (Ex-Muslim Gay Man Tells All), Interview with CEMB’s Jimmy Bangash, 13 September 2020
Filed as: Media Coverage

September 4, 2020
The world has abandoned freethinkers of Muslim heritage, NSS Newsline, 4 September 2020
Filed as: Media Coverage