May 9, 2018 Screenshot of podcast video
The Rise of Atheism in the Muslim World, Interview with Maryam Namazie, EP 50, Secular Jihadists, 9 May 2018
Filed as: Media Coverage

May 8, 2018 photo of Sherif Gaber
Freiheit für Sharif Gaber!, Jungle World, 7 May 2018
Filed as: Media Coverage

May 2, 2018 Allah is gay at gay pride photo
Viva la blasfemia! Libertà di espressione contro ogni fondamentalismo, MicroMega, 2 May 2018
Filed as: Media Coverage

April 24, 2018
Morocco: The situation of people who abjure Islam (who apostatize), including their treatment by society and by the authorities; the repercussions of a fatwa of the High Council of Ulemas condemning apostates to death, including the reaction of the government (2016-April 2018), Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, 24 April 2018
Filed as: Media Coverage

April 23, 2018 Photo of Ali Rizvi
‘De Koran is niet goddelijk en dus niet onfeilbaar’, Trouw, 23 April 2018
Filed as: Media Coverage

April 6, 2018
No Sex Please, We’re Atheists, Medium, 6 April 2018
Filed as: Media Coverage

April 5, 2018
Crisis of Faith, The Tribune, 5 April 2018
Filed as: Media Coverage

April 3, 2018
Many left-wing progressives who protest against the Pope are silent about Islam’s totalitarian tendencies – and the victims of this cowardice are overwhelmingly women, Unherd, 3 April 2018
Filed as: Media Coverage

April 3, 2018
Convention speech: Maryam Namazie — We resist and challenge because we must, FFRF, 3 April 2018
Filed as: Media Coverage

March 5, 2018
The Silencing of the Liberals, BBC Radio 4, 5 March 2018
Filed as: Media Coverage