June 17, 2010

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June 11, 2010
In defence of freedom of expression, members of the Council of Ex-Muslims, led by Management Committee Member, Hasan Radwan, are undertaking the translation of the Arabic book: “My Ordeal with the Quran, and with Allah in the Quran” by an Egyptian ex-Muslim who used the pen name of Abbas AbdulNoor. This book was banned and prevented from publication in Arab countries due to its critical analysis of the Quran. According to Hassan Radwan, “We believe this book to be an important contribution to the debate about Islam and Muslims, which will benefit both those who wish to escape the shackles...
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June 8, 2010
On Monday 7 June 2010 the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, Germany and Scandinavia joined Lars Vilks in a press conference in Stockholm to condemn the threats and violent attacks against the Swedish artist who drew a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad. In May, Islamist thugs tried to burn down his home after he showed a film about Islam and Homosexuality during a lecture at Uppsala University. The press conference was packed to capacity. It was chaired by Afsaneh Vahdat (Council of Ex-Muslims of Sweden) with Lars Vilks, Mina Ahadi (Council of Ex-Muslims of Germany), and Fariborz Pooya (Council of...
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March 15, 2010
A successful seminar was held on Sharia Law on Monday 8 March 2010 at Conway Hall in London to mark International Women’s Day. The seminar brought together Muslims, ex-Muslims, women’s rights campaigners, lawyers and politicians to outline the problems with Muslim Arbitration Tribunals and Sharia Councils and to propose recommendations for prohibiting religious tribunals and bringing about equal rights for all. Speakers at the seminar included: Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (British Muslims for Secular Democracy); Yassi Atasheen (One Law for All); Clara Connolly (Women Against Fundamentalism); David Green (Civitas); Denis MacShane (MP); Rony Miah (Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and Lawyers’ Secular...
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January 15, 2010
Jonathan Dimbleby Chair Board of Trustees Index on Censorship Free Word Centre 60 Farringdon Road London EC1R 3GA Dear Mr Dimbleby We are deeply shocked and disappointed by the decision of Index to censor its own magazine from publishing one of the Danish cartoons to illustrate an article relating to the subject. We believe this is a betrayal of those who are putting their lives on the line to defend freedom of expression. We should be standing together. It is only through a united stance that we can protect each other and defeat the extremists and those who wish to...
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December 17, 2009
The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain held its second Annual General Meeting on 13 December 2009 in London. The AGM unanimously adopted a statement expressing the organisation’s concern over the Swiss vote to ban minarets. The statement said: ‘Far-right proposals to ban minarets are divisive, reactionary and in line with the ‘Clash of Civilisations’ agenda, which hands over ‘Muslims’ or those labelled as such to the political Islamic movement and denies the universality of the demand to live a life worthy of the 21st century. ‘Believing in Islam or any religion for that matter is not a crime. Neither is...
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December 13, 2009
The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain is extremely concerned over the Swiss vote to ban minarets. Far-right proposals to ban minarets are divisive, reactionary and in line with the ‘Clash of Civilisations’ agenda, which hands over ‘Muslims’ or those labelled as such to the political Islamic movement and denies the universality of the demand to live a life worthy of the 21st century. Believing in Islam or any religion for that matter is not a crime. Neither is it a crime to have minarets in mosques. What are crimes, however, are groups or individuals using religion to threaten people to...
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December 11, 2009
Message from Fariborz Pooya Chair In just over two years, the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) has found its rightful place in the fight for equality in the UK and has set a precedence and standard for others to follow. Many living in countries under political Islam regard the CEMB as a beacon that guides them. By its very existence, the CEMB has set the scene for the recognition of the fact that ‘Muslims’ and people from the Middle East, Asia, North Africa and elsewhere are not a monolithic group and that in these societies, as in the ‘Muslim...
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December 9, 2009
A wide number of non governmental organizations and individuals from across Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas have signed a common public statement affirming the nefarious role of fundamentalist politics and the need to counter it internationally. This charter highlights: The flawed ideological bogey of clash of civilizations, the role of public policies leading to greater inequality, and the impact of religious fundamentalisms and right wing identity politics in dividing people locally, nationally and internationally. Fundamentalist movements benefit from – A retreat of the state from the social domain that leaves the terrain open to the religious-political outfits to flourish....
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November 25, 2009
Hello As a follow up to our successful Nov 21 rally against Sharia law, we are organising a fundraiser dinner on Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 7:00pm at one of London’s finest gastro-pubs. We hope you will be able to join us to enjoy an excellent three-course dinner whilst supporting the One Law for All Campaign and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain. The dinner’s keynote speaker will be AC Grayling, the renowned philosopher, author, writer, reviewer, and broadcaster. Tickets will be £45 per person. If you can’t come to the event but would like to support us nonetheless, please...
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