Entretien. « Nous, laïques, athées et apostats, sommes la majorité ! » Interview with Maryam Namazie and Nadia El Fani, Charlie Hebdo, 6 December 2023 See PDF: Magazine Charlie Hebdo – 6 Decembre 2023
“La démocratie ne peut être pleine et entière là où la religion dicte ses règles” by Nadia El Fani, Marianne, 5 December 2023
2010s was an important decade in defining Europe’s commitment to free speech, it saw many countries repealing their largely unused blasphemy laws. Norway, Iceland, the Netherlands, Ireland, and in 2017 Denmark. But Denmark is now…
PRESS RELEASE LAICS OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE! LET’S BE REALISTIC, LET’S DEMAND LAICITY EVERYWHERE Paris, 29 November 2023 Per the request of City Hall, the final guest list must be submitted by December 3, so please…
CEMB and NSS join campaigners calling for investigation of extremist charity sermons, NSS Newsline, 6 November 2023