November 19, 2020 |
About the Ex-Muslim movement with Maryam Namazie and Ali Malik Ali Malik speaks to Maryam Namazie about the ex-Muslim movement, how it started, its aims and its impact on the human right to apostasy and blasphemy. Filed as: Press Releases, Resources, Spotlight |
November 19, 2020 |
FULL VIDEO| Maryam Namazie – The Origins Podcast Maryam Namazie, The Origins Podcast, 19 November 2020 Lawrence Krauss joins human rights activist Maryam Namazie at her office in London to discuss her work with The Council of Ex-Muslims, the rise of fascism in the west, blasphemy, “safe spaces”, Muslim profiling and much more. Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases |
November 4, 2020 |
Maryam Namazie: Muslims are the primary victims of Islamism, sister-hood, 4 November 2020 Maryam Namazie: Muslims are the primary victims of Islamism, sister-hood, 4 November 2020 The recent heinous attacks in France and Austria are just the latest additions to the countless Islamist terrorist attacks world-wide. Most take place in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia: the victims mainly Muslims – or those presumed to be Muslims due to the lottery of birth. Just this year, thousands have been killed or wounded in educational centres, farming villages, hotels, temples, mosques, government buildings, marketplaces, traffic roundabouts, on buses, in cars in Afghanistan, Chad, Iraq, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Somalia, Syria… In May... Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases |
November 3, 2020 |
Rishvin Ismath must be protected from Islamist threats to his life Rishvin Ismath is a former Islamist who co-founded the Council of Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka. He is the first public ex-Muslim in the country, declaring himself an ex-Muslim atheist before a Parliamentary Select Committee in 2019. Ismath was recently threatened inside the Presidential Commission of Inquiry premises by an Islamist. This took place after he was given the opportunity to cross examine Rasheed Hajjul Akbar, the former leader of the Sri Lankan Jamat e Islami for 24 years until September 2018 at the Presidential Commission of Inquiry probing into the 2019 Easter Sunday Attacks. Ismath asked him about his propagating armed... Filed as: Press Releases |
November 1, 2020 |
“Le droit de critiquer l’islam est crucial pour nous athées de culture musulmane”, L’Express, 1 November 2020 “Le droit de critiquer l’islam est crucial pour nous athées de culture musulmane”, L’Express, 1 November 2020 « Le droit de critiquer l’islam est crucial pour nous athées de culture musulmane » Propos recueillis par Thomas Mahler, publié le 01/11/2020 à 13:00 , mis à jour à 16:18 Dans un entretien vibrant, la féministe iranienne Maryam Namazie appelle la gauche à voir la nature réelle des islamistes : une force politique d’extrême-droite. Née à Téhéran, Maryam Namazie a quitté l’Iran après l’avènement de la République islamique en 1979. Cette femme de gauche, féministe, militante des droits de l’homme et des réfugiés, a fondé... Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases |
October 19, 2020 |
The problem is murder, not speech The focus on limits to free speech when a teacher has been decapitated is like focusing on a woman’s skirt when she has been raped. One does not cause the other. Your focus on speech offends me – the difference is I don’t threaten or kill for my offended sensibilities. The problem is murder not speech. #JeSuisSamuel #JesuisSamuelPaty #JeSuisCharlie Filed as: Press Releases |
October 19, 2020 |
Mohammed Cartoons are an Excuse Mohammed Cartoons are an excuse. Everything “provokes” Islamists – Being a woman, freethinker, gay, unveiled, ex-Muslim, atheist, religiously unprescribed sex, laughing out loud, music… If you think that killings will stop if you stop drawing cartoons, you cannot see the innumerable in prisons & on death row in Iran, Asia, Mid East, North Africa for “provoking” the Islamic fascists by living 21 century lives. #JeSuisSamuel #JesuisSamuelPaty #JeSuisCharlie Filed as: Press Releases |
September 29, 2020 |
September 30 #BlasphemyDay Dear Friend Woman’s Quran On 30 September, #BlasphemyDay, we publish The Woman’s Quran (114 Pages for 114 Surahs). It is blank because religion is an offence against women and because the Quran, Islam and Islamism are the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of women’s emancipation. – Maryam Namazie (A reference to US Suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s “The Bible and the Church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of women’s emancipation”.) #BlasphemerAtHeart On 30 September, feel free to fill the pages of The Woman’s Quran with blasphemy. You can draw hearts with blasphemous messages on its pages,... Filed as: Press Releases |
September 29, 2020 |
The Woman’s Quran: Blank because religion is an affront to women’s rights On 30 September, #BlasphemyDay, Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) publishes The Woman’s Quran (114 Pages for 114 Surahs). It is blank because all religions degrade women and because the Quran, Islam and Islamism are the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of women’s emancipation. (*A reference to US Suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s “The Bible and the Church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of women’s emancipation”.) You can download it here and fill it with your hopes, dreams and blasphemies: A6 Quran final artwork complete book for online 114 pages. On this day, feel free to... Filed as: Featured, Homepage, Press Releases |
September 16, 2020 |
In Support of Charlie Hebdo: We’re Not Offended Today’s issue of Charlie Hebdo with (mostly) #exMuslims, thanks to Inna Shevchenko. Caricatures de Mahomet : Paroles de musulmans non offensés, Charlie Hebdo, 16 September 2020 Translation of my contribution: “A progressive, satirical anti-clerical tradition such as that of Charlie Hebdo’s is not the sole domain of the West. When Charlie Hebdo draws Mohammed, it gives those of us battling apostasy and blasphemy laws in today’s Islamic states much needed support and strength. Having paid the highest of prices, Charlie Hebdo continues to remind the world that criticism of Islam and the sacred is a right, that silence and censorship... Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases |