February 1, 2024
Today is #WorldHijabDay #veiledinstrength #unveiledinstrength #no2hijabday See World Hijab Day, uno strumento di repressione può diventare simbolo di orgoglio? Sky Italy, 1 February 2024 Fighting religious intolerance is important, as is fighting intolerance against those who have no religion and are being killed for apostasy and blasphemy in countries under Islamic rule. But you cannot fight religious intolerance by normalising misogyny. This year’s World Hijab Day’s theme is Veiling is Strength but it doesn’t take strength to do as you are told. The veiling of women is a religious imposition, often via force and compulsion. How can it be a...
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December 12, 2023
FRENCH BELOW For the first time in France, an international conference brought together defenders of Laicity from around the world on December 8 and 9, 2023 at Paris City Hall. The conference was co-organised by the Association Laïques Sans Frontières (LSF) and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB), in collaboration with the Comité Laïcité République (CLR) and the EGALE Association (Equality Secularism Europe) and in partnership with Charlie Hebdo, Marianne magazine, Freedom From Religion Foundation (USA), National Secular Society (UK) and Center for Inquiry (USA). The event brought together more than 40 Laic personalities, coming from the four corners...
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December 11, 2023
Laïques sans frontières : pour une loi de 1905 universelle, Charlie Hebdo, 11 December 2023 Laïques sans frontières : pour une loi de 1905 universelle Laure Daussy · Mis en ligne le 11 décembre 2023 C’est un rassemblement qui fera date. Vendredi et samedi dernier, pour la première fois en France, des militants laïques du monde entier, athées et libre penseurs, se sont réunis avec un mot d’ordre : appeler à mettre en place la laïcité dans tous les pays du monde. Nous publions en exclusivité leur appel. « Il faudrait inscrire la laïcité au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco ! » Rarement la laïcité aura été autant...
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December 4, 2023
2010s was an important decade in defining Europe’s commitment to free speech, it saw many countries repealing their largely unused blasphemy laws. Norway, Iceland, the Netherlands, Ireland, and in 2017 Denmark. But Denmark is now taking a step back and reintroducing a Blasphemy Law. The proposed Danish Bill L65 seeks to punish “improper treatment of religious objects held sacred by religious communities” with 2 years imprisonment. The bill, which aligns with OIC’s (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) demands for an international Blasphemy Law, will be voted on the 7th of December and is largely tipped to be passed. If this bill...
Filed as: Europe, Press Releases

November 29, 2023
PRESS RELEASE LAICS OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE! LET’S BE REALISTIC, LET’S DEMAND LAICITY EVERYWHERE Paris, 29 November 2023 Per the request of City Hall, the final guest list must be submitted by December 3, so please register your intent to participate at the latest by 5pm on that day by emailing laiquessansfrontieres@gmail.com. To see conference brochure, click on this link. For the first time in France, an international conference bringing together defenders of Laicity from across the world is being held during 8-9 December 2023 at the Auditorium of Paris City Hall. The conference is co-organised by Laïques Sans Frontières (LSF), a...
Filed as: Press Releases

November 3, 2023
International Conference Celebrating Laicite Paris City Hall, 8-9 December 2023 For civil states free from the tutelage of religion, we demand Laïcite as a human right and a step towards peace in the world. Celebrating Laïcite Paris 2023 is being organised by Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and Laiques sans Frontieres in partnership with Comite Laïcite Republique and Egale. The international conference marks December 9, the anniversary of the 1905 law on separation of church and state and will take place at the Paris Town Hall, courtesy of the Mayor of Paris. The conference is a continuation of the hugely...
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November 3, 2023
By Counselling Psychologist Dr Savin Bapir Tardy This report delves into the dynamics and experiences of participants in three monthly support groups. The support groups cater to individuals who have left Islam and are grappling with the challenges and transformations that come with such a departure. The report outlines the structure of these groups, highlights recurring themes in discussions, and explores the profound impact of the support groups on participants. Please be aware that, in order to maintain confidentiality, the subsequent report excludes any particular cases to safeguard the privacy of individuals participating in the group. Support group structure: A...
Filed as: Homepage, Press Releases, Resources, Spotlight

October 9, 2023
Apostasy Day is on Aug 22nd and this year we celebrated it with #ApostasyDayDoodles. You can find the video and pictures for Apostasy Day 2023 by searching the #ApostasyDayDoodle. Apostasy is the abandonment or renunciation of religion. It is punishable by death in Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, UAE, and Yemen and is a criminal offence in many more Muslim-majority countries. In Pakistan, disbelief in God is punishable with the death penalty under a blasphemy law. In Saudi Arabia, atheism is equated with terrorism. In some countries without the death penalty, Islamists kill those deemed apostates,...
Filed as: Press Releases

August 9, 2023
You are invited to join the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) on International Apostasy Day to defend freedom of expression and the right to apostasy and blasphemy by subverting religious texts. Whilst we might not agree with burning Qurans and books (usually associated with a long history of state and religious censorship against dissent), we nonetheless recognise the right of individuals to express their abhorrence to bad ideas and the persecution and murder of freethinkers and apostates. On Apostasy Day, join us in celebrating blasphemy and apostasy as rights by subverting and doodling on the Quran, Bible, Torah, the...
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June 26, 2023
On 1 July, Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) marched at Pride in London to celebrate Liberation as Riot and defend the revolution in Iran that is challenging Islam and Islamism and defending Woman, Life, Freedom, LGBT rights, secularism and more. On this day, we also raged against the execution and murder of women, dissenters, LGBT, apostates and blasphemers in countries under Islamic law. Just this year alone, over 300 dissenters have been executed by the regime in Iran, including Youssef Mehrad and Seyed Sadrullah Fazlizare for blasphemy in May.
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