January 18, 2019 graphic of colourful hands with hearts and text seeking asulum is my right
Rahaf al-Qunun’s brave fight for protection from persecution ended happily with the Saudi teen’s arrival in Canada. The ex-Muslim who was fleeing her abusive family barricaded herself in her hotel room in Thailand and managed to reach safety despite her family and Saudi government’s attempts to return her to Saudi Arabia. Rahaf’s plight mobilised widespread support with countless groups and individuals demanding action by the Thai government and the UNHCR and cheering her on to safety. Unfortunately, Rahaf’s plight is a reality for countless ex-Muslims, atheists, women and LGBT fleeing Sharia or “honour”-related violence condoned by Islamic states and movements....
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December 20, 2018 Screenshot of Inclusive Mosque event notice
Inclusive Mosque Initiative has declined to join us in a friendly debate on women’s rights and Sharia. No surprise there. As you may know, prior to the 25 November International Conference on Sharia, Segregation and Secularism, they organised an event in response to ours before it had even taken place. They basically accused us of promoting a nationalist and western agenda because of our defence of secularism and universal rights. We asked them why they were so afraid of secularism. Following their event, which was full of misinformation, we invited them to a friendly debate on the issues. What better...
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December 14, 2018 Apostasy is not a crime graphic
Dear Friend We wanted to give you an update on the crucial work of Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain this past year, thank you for your support and ask for you to continue to help us, including by donating to our crucial work. Every bit helps and no amount is too small. If you are thinking of donating during the holiday period, CEMB is a great secular/non-religious option doing important work without religious conditions, dogma or proselytizing. Since it is nearing the end of 2018, we would like to tell you some of the highlights of the year that couldn’t...
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November 30, 2018
See this Press Release online. The 25 November International Conference on Sharia, Segregation and Secularism in London celebrated the 10th anniversary of the founding of the One Law for All campaign in the UK. The conference was a landmark event in the fight against all forms of fascism and in defence of universal rights and secularism with leading activists in the fight against the far-Right – including religious fundamentalisms of all stripes – from 24 countries and the Diaspora, including Algeria, Bangladesh, Europe, India, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Kurdistan, Morocco, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Serbia to Sudan, Tunisia and the United States....
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November 28, 2018
Resolution in support of Asia Bibi International Conference on Sharia, Segregation and Secularism 25 November 2018 The International Conference on Sharia, Segregation and Secularism unequivocally supports Asia Bibi’s right to asylum and protection in a safe country. We salute the political courage of the lawyer who defended Asia and the judges who ruled in favour of her acquittal in Pakistan. Their respect for human rights and justice for all, despite serious risks to their lives, is commendable. Whilst Asia Bibi has been released on appeal in November 2018 after 8 years on death row, her life is in danger and...
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November 28, 2018
Manifesto on Women and Secularism International Conference on Sharia, Segregation and Secularism 25 November 2018, London   Today, far-Right movements, including religious fundamentalisms, are seizing power and on the rise in both democratic and authoritarian states. Even in more secularised societies, religious organisations have gained power because they have been considered valuable allies – to provide services as the state shrinks, to oppose radical social justice movements, as part of counter-terror strategies and post conflict ‘stabilisation,’ and as part of the privatisation of law. From development banks to Western aid and human rights organisations, fundamentalists, particularly Islamists, have been promoted in the name of minority and religious rights. The growth...
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November 19, 2018 Secular Conference poster
The Inclusive Mosque Initiative is organising “Beyond the Promise of Secularism” in response to our 25 November International Conference on Sharia, Segregation and Secularism. Their event will apparently explore what they say are “western preoccupations with ‘Sharia Law’, Hijabs, and segregation” and “look at the ways Islam is pitted against ‘secularism’ in the name of women’s rights, equality and democracy, and … utilised and weaponised by the State against Muslim communities and other minorities to promote nationalist narratives.” Given the Inclusive Mosque’s confusions, I hope our conference and its 38 speakers from 24 countries and the Diaspora, may assist them...
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October 30, 2018 Photo of Ana González B&W
THE DANGERS OF BEING A DEVOUT ATHEIST   I have been an atheist since the age of 13. There was no Damascene moment to it. One day I realised that I did not believe in god any longer. It was the end of a personal journey that had started out in fervent Catholic devotion from the moment I took my First Holy Communion, fuelled by regular attendance to Sunday mass, daily evening prayers before going to sleep and regular engagement in confession. However, for many reasons, I lost my faith, never to return.  Just like that.   To mark such...
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September 26, 2018 Photo of silhoutte with Love is not a crime text
New Video by Carl Russ-Mohl on Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) and Jimmy London at Pride in London 2018. In support of LGBT rights of those living in countries under Islamic rule and those from Muslim backgrounds here in the UK and west. #LoveNotACrime #عشق_جرم_نيست #ভালবাসা_কোন_অপরাধ_নয় #محبت_جرم_نہیں #الحب_لیس_بجریمة
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September 19, 2018 Photo of Chinese Muslims
Reports indicate that the Chinese government is subjecting Muslims in the region of Xinjian to ongoing surveillance, detention and forced ‘re-education’ in its political re-education camps.  Human rights group report that in excess of 1 million individuals have been detained. Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) unequivocally condemns China’s persecution of Muslims, demands that the Chinese government immediately end the persecution of religious minorities and calls on the international community to intervene in defence of freedom of conscience.
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