June 28, 2018 |
CEMB marches in Pride London to defend the rights of LGBT, Apostates and Blasphemers Our rights and lives are interlinked Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain will be marching at Pride London on Saturday 7 July 2018 for the rights of LGBT in countries under Islamic rule; in 15 countries or territories, homosexuality is punishable by the death penalty. Many of the same states punish apostasy and blasphemy with death. Clearly, the lives and rights of apostates and LGBT are intertwined. Absurdly, and until recently, we were unsure if we would be permitted to march after accusations of ‘Islamophobia’ by the homophobic East London Mosque against CEMB. After 8 months, Pride finally met with us... Filed as: Press Releases |
June 12, 2018 |
LGBT Rights, Apostasy and Blasphemy at Pride Festival Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) is organising a screening of the film, Islam’s Non-Believers, by award-winning filmmaker Deeyah Khan on 14th June, from 6:00-9:00pm, as part of London Pride Festival to raise awareness amongst those who are unfamiliar with CEMB & the ex-Muslim movement. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A on LGBT Rights, Apostasy and Blasphemy. Imaan, Mend, East London Mosque, Pride and Pink News have been invited to join the discussion. Confirmed Speakers: Jimmy Bangash, LGBT Activist Matthew Mahmood-Ogston, Founder & Trustee of Naz and Matt Foundation Sadia Hamed, Spokesperson of Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain Syed... Filed as: Press Releases |
May 25, 2018 |
Privacy Policy No doubt you’ll already be aware that on 25 May the new European data privacy laws (GDPR) will come into effect. CEMB operates a low-traffic announcement list to keep you updated on the latest events, news, and activities we are involved in organising. Your emails alone are included in this list because you have signed up to our email list at one of our events or because you requested to be added. We keep your data secure and do not use it for any other purposes. We will never share your data with third parties and we manage the list... Filed as: Press Releases |
May 17, 2018 |
Ramadan: Fasting is your right; Fast-Defying ours! On Friday 18 May Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) has a fast-defying protest at embassies of countries that punish eating during Ramadan with flogging, beatings and imprisonment. Join our “eat-in” at Saudi, Iranian, Pakistani, Moroccan, Tunisian, Bangladeshi and Egyptian embassies in London or defend the persecuted during the month of Ramadan. Fasting is your Right; Fast-Defying is my Right. #Ramadan #Fast_Defying_My_Right جمعه ۱۸ مه٬ شوراى اكس مسلم بريتانيا اعتراض روزه خوارى دارد جلوى سفارتخانه هاى كشورهايى كه روزه خواران را شلاق مى زنند و زندانى و اذيت و آزار مى كنند منجمله سفارتهاى ايران٬ عربستان سعودى٬ تونس٬ مراكش٬ بنگلادش٬... Filed as: Press Releases |
May 10, 2018 |
CEMB Update: Urgent actions, events and campaigns Dear friend We hope you are well. We wanted to bring your attention to several urgent actions and also give you an update on some of our activities and upcoming events. URGENT ACTIONS #FreeSherifGaber You may have heard that Egyptian atheist blogger Sherif Gaber was arrested on 2 May at Cairo airport when attempting to leave the country. Whilst he is reportedly free, ex-Muslim groups are awaiting confirmation that he is safe. There is a pending blasphemy case against him still so please keep the pressure on and sign the petition demanding his safety. More information on his case available... Filed as: Press Releases |
May 7, 2018 |
#FreeSherifGaber Egyptian Atheist and Youtube Vlogger Sherif Gaber was arrested when trying to leave Egypt on Wednesday 2nd May. He sent a message to friends telling them he was stopped and taken to an interrogation room at Cairo airport and his passport confiscated. His last message on Wednesday 2nd May at 11:08 am Cairo time said: “I am suppose to be traveling to Malaysia at 12:05 Cairo Time, an hour from now. The police took me and made me wait in this room for 2 hours and I’m still waiting> they took my belongings and my passport. If I don’t update... Filed as: Press Releases |
May 6, 2018 |
#AtheismNotACrime, #BlasphemyNotACrime, #ApostasyNotACrime Join our campaign stating loud and clear that freethought is not a crime! Islamic states consider atheism a “threat” – seeing it as an existential danger, especially since Islam and state power are intertwined, hence why atheists are persecuted (with many others including religious minorities, women’s rights activists, labour leaders and LGBT). • Iran as one of the most important bases of atheism in the Middle East, with more than half the population using the Internet regularly, has seen a government ban on more than 160,000 social media accounts and websites for spreading “atheism and corruption” in one year alone. • Two government ministries... Filed as: Press Releases |
March 27, 2018 |
Demand for atheism rises in countries under Islamic rule The scientist and author Richard Dawkins is giving away translations of The God Delusion in countries under Islamic rule like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan. The reason behind the decision is the thirst for atheism in such countries. Whilst 3.3 million copies of the bestseller have been sold since 2006, the unofficial Arabic pdf alone has been downloaded 13 million times. The rise of atheism in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia is something we have been speaking about for some time now. The Iranian Baztab Now website warned of a tsunami of atheism amongst Iranian youth. The #ExMuslimBecause hashtag initiated by the Council... Filed as: Press Releases |
March 16, 2018 |
CEMB calls on Government to prosecute incitement to violence Dear Prime Minister, Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) has been informed that members have received “Punish a Muslim” contest flyers. We are outraged at this clear incitement to violence and call on the government to take immediate action to investigate the origin of the letter and find and prosecute the perpetrators. We have cancelled an event we are holding on the day for fear of the safety of our members and call on the government to ensure the safety of all minorities. Furthermore, we are concerned that the letter has been distributed up and down the country, as well... Filed as: Press Releases |
March 6, 2018 |
Conference on Sharia, Segregation and Secularism, London Sunday 25 November 2018 Conference on Sharia, Segregation and Secularism 9:30am registration for 10:00am start Central London Join notable secularists and veteran women’s rights campaigners for a conference on Sharia, Segregation and Secularism at a spectacular venue in central London on Sunday 25 November 2018. The conference will raise key issues surrounding religious arbitration, the veil and gender segregation at schools and universities, including as part of the religious-Right’s assault on women’s rights. It will also highlight the voices of people on the frontlines of resistance, the gains made by secularists both in the UK and internationally, and the importance... Filed as: Press Releases |