January 31, 2023
On 1 February, World Hijab Day, women took part in a global body riot to defend the women’s revolution in Iran and for woman, life, freedom. They took action, topless or with bras on, to challenge compulsory hijab rules that has killed Mahsa Jina Amini on 16 September and has and continues to suppress countless women and girls in Iran, Afghanistan and across the globe. In London, women carried out a topless action at Trafalgar Square. The action was organised by CEMB, One Law for All and FEMEN and received coverage, including; Iranian topless body riot feminist protest, Trafalgar Square,...
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January 8, 2023
On 7 January, Iran executed another two young men on charges of ‘spreading corruption on earth’ during the morning call to prayers. This time it was Mohammad Mehdi Karami, 21, a karate champion and Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini, 20, a volunteer children’s coach. Within weeks of being arrested and convicted, the two were executed after being tortured to elicit false confessions and denied the rights to an attorney or appeal. Their families were not permitted to see them before they were killed. The current executions are a continuation of the killing of protestors on the streets of Iran since the murder...
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January 2, 2023
#HaramDoodles kickstarted #SinceILeftIslam series during December for #ExMuslimAwarenessMonth with the help of ex-Muslims to highlight their experiences after leaving Islam. CEMB Spokesperson Maryam Namazie was also featured in it. @Haramdoodles wrote: ‘May we all be as shameless and courageous as @maryamnamazie, an Iranian-born human rights activist, secularist and change maker who dares to dissent. Join Maryam and the people of Iran in protest of the Islamic Regime and let’s raise our voices together for women, life and freedom! 💪🏽✌🏽✊🏽Thank you Maryam for sharing what’s changed for you since you left Islam. ♥️’
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November 21, 2022
Is the Corrupt World Cup Just PR for Qatar? | The Table, Byline TV, 21 November 2022
Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases

November 8, 2022
Salman Rushdie and the Women’s Revolution in Iran are Linked, NSS Blog, 8 November 2022 By Maryam Namazie There is a direct link between the threats and violence faced by Salman Rushdie and that faced by generations of women and men in Iran, says Maryam Namazie.. Salman Rushdie’s agent has confirmed that the courageous writer has lost sight in one eye and the use of one hand after a brutal attack whilst he was preparing to speak at an event on asylum for writers. The attack in New York state on August 12th has been a stark reminder that even decades after...
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November 3, 2022
‘Cheers To Iranian Women’ by Pune Parsafar, dedicated to brave #women of #Iran. Has interviews with activists with Farideh Arman, Shahla Daneshfar, Shiva Mahbobi, Mina Ahadi, Mersedeh Ghaedi & Maryam Namazie This is a clip from Maryam Namazie’s interview: See full film on Vimeo: به سلامتی زنان ایر فیلم پونه پارسافر تقدیم به #زنان دلیر #ایران. با فریده آرمان، شهلا دانشفر، شیوا محبوبی، مینا احدی، مرسده قائدی و مریم نمازی مصاحبه کرده است. این بخش مصاحبه من است در فیلم. کل‌فیلم‌را اینجا ببینید #MahsaAmini #womansrevolution #IranProtests2022 #IranRevolution2022 #NationalStrike #OpIran #WomanLifeFreedom #ایران #مهسا_امینی #انقلاب_زنانه #اعتصابات_سراسری #زن_زندگی_آزادی
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October 29, 2022
See Maryam Namazie’s speech at FiLiA, Europe’s largest feminist conference, on #Iran’s #womensrevolution This is your revolution! ‏Defend it ‏Defend it ‏Defend it Also with new song by @shelleysegal cover of Shervin Hajipour Baraye سخنرانی مریم نمازی در فیلیا، بزرگترین کنفرانس فمینیست اروپا در‌ مورد انقلاب زنانه در ایران ‏ این انقلاب شماست. ازش دفاع کنید! دفاع کنید! دفاع کنید! Video editing by @fariborzpooya #MahsaAmini #womansrevolution #IranProtests2022 #IranRevolution2022 #NationalStrike #OpIran #WomanLifeFreedom #ایران #مهسا_امینی #انقلاب_زنانه #اعتصابات_سراسری #زن_زندگی_آزادی
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October 6, 2022
Maryam Namazie on Iran’s women’s revolution, Talk TV, 6 October 2022
Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases

September 27, 2022
22-year-old Mahsa Amini was visiting Tehran from Saqez, Iranian Kurdistan when she was arrested on 13 September for ‘improper’ veiling by the morality police. She was badly beaten according to eyewitnesses, arriving brain-dead at the hospital. She died in intensive care on 16 September. Outrage over her murder has sparked unprecedented protests across Iran. The slogans of these protests include: ‘Down with Dictator,’ We don’t want an Islamic government,’ ‘We don’t want an anti-women government.’ The main slogan of the protests: ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ with women taking the lead, removing and burning their veils, united with men against the Islamic...
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September 22, 2022
22-year-old Mahsa (Jina) Amini was visiting Tehran from Saqez, Iranian Kurdistan when she was arrested on 13 September for ‘improper’ veiling by the morality police. She was badly beaten according to eyewitnesses, her skull fractured. She was taken to Kasra hospital in a coma and died in intensive care on 16 September. Outrage over her murder has sparked a new round of protests that have spread across Iran. The slogan of these protests include: ‘Down with Dictator,’ We don’t want an Islamic government,’ ‘We don’t want an anti-women government.’ The main slogan speaks volumes:  ‘Woman, Life, Freedom.’ Women leading the...
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