November 22, 2009 |
November 21 a successful day against Sharia and religious laws Several hundred joined a rally in London’s Hyde Park organised by One Law for All to show their opposition to Sharia and religious-based laws in Britain and elsewhere and to demand universal rights and secularism. At the rally, over 20 speakers and performers exposed the discriminatory and brutal nature of religious laws. They included Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s Asad Abbas; International Humanist and Ethical Union’s Roy Brown; Philosopher AC Grayling; Southall Black Sisters’ Rahila Gupta; MP Evan Harris; Organisation of Women’s Freedom in Iraq’s Houzan Mahmoud; Lawyer Rony Miah; Campaigner Maryam Namazie; British Humanist Association’s Naomi Phillips; European Humanist... Filed as: Press Releases |
October 26, 2009 |
CEMB AGM – Preliminary Notice Preliminary Notice Members are advised that the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain is holding its second Annual General Meeting on Sunday 13 December 2009 from 14:00-16:00 hours in London. The AGM is only open to members. Members are requested to RSVP their attendance by 1 December 2009 and arrive no later than 13:45 hours. Nomination of Board of Trustees and Motions Those wishing to submit motions for the meeting, or nominations for Board of Trustee members, should do so in writing. A proposer and seconder are required for both nominations and motions, which must reach the CEMB by 1 December... Filed as: Press Releases |
September 22, 2009 | ![]() |
London Ex-Muslims Meetup Group a year old London Exmuslims Meetup group has been running for a year now, had 12 events so far and increased to over 30 members in 12 months. Members are able to get acquainted with likeminded people, make new friends, openly share their views, go to talks & debates, to movies, have drinks & dinner evenings and camping trips. There will be an anniversary party on October 17 to celebrate its first anniversary. To join the meetup, click here. To start a meetup in your area, contact the CEMB. Filed as: Press Releases |
July 13, 2009 |
Join Iran Solidarity Filed as: Press Releases |
June 26, 2009 |
One Law for All raised at European Parliament European Commission President Manuel Barroso and President of the European Parliament, Hans Gert Pőttering hosted a lunch in Brussels on Friday 26 June 2009 with philosophical non-confessional organizations in the Commission’s efforts towards Strengthening European values. Keith Porteous Wood, supporter of One Law for All and the National Secular Society’s Executive Director was one of the guests. One of the concerns he raised with President Barroso was about the growing pressure on Muslims to use so-called official Muslim Arbitration Tribunals rather than the established justice mechanisms. Mr Porteous Wood said that those using these tribunals often did not know they... Filed as: Press Releases |
April 29, 2009 |
Join the International Coalition for Women’s Rights On April 19, 2009, the Somali parliament unanimously endorsed the introduction of Sharia law across the country. A few days earlier, the imposition of Sharia law in Pakistan’s northwestern Swat region was approved. Last month, a sweeping law approved by the Afghan parliament and signed by President Hamid Karzai required Shi’a women to seek their husband’s permission to leave home, and to submit to their sexual demands. Because of international and national protests the new law is now being reviewed but only to check its compatibility with Sharia law. Sharia law deems a woman unequal and subordinate to her husband... Filed as: Press Releases |
April 9, 2009 |
How many more ‘apostates’ are silently suffering in ghastly Islamic states? Filed as: Press Releases |
April 8, 2009 |
One Law for All needs your support One Law for All Campaign against Sharia Law in Britain was established on December 10, 2008 – International Human Rights Day – in order to mobilise opposition to Sharia and all religious based tribunals and defend universal and citizenship rights. 12,000 signatures and a successful March rally and meeting In the short time it has been established, we’ve gathered over 12,000 signatories to our petition calling for a ban on religious tribunals and organised a successful demonstration and public meeting to mark International Women’s Day in March in London. A free legal and informational helpline We have also set up... Filed as: Press Releases |
March 29, 2009 | ![]() |
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and over 200 other organisations from 46 countries endorse the Joint Statement on Defamation of Religions 207 organizations from 46 Countries (and European and International organizations) have indicated their support for the Joint Statement on Defamation of Religions Algerian Centre for the Defence and Promotion of Press Freedom (CALP) [Algeria] Centro para la Apertura y el Desarrollo de América Latina (CADAL) [Argentina] Sociedad Humanista-etica, Deodoro Roca [Argentina] Atheist Foundation of Australia [Australia] Australia NZ Secular Association [Australia] Brisbane Atheists [Australia] Council of Australian Humanist Societies [Australia] Humanist Society of Queensland [Australia] Humanist Society of Victoria [Australia] Melbourne Atheist Group [Australia] Rationalist Association of NSW [Australia] Rationalist Society of Australia [Australia] Secular Party of Australia [Australia] Skeptics... Filed as: Press Releases |
January 28, 2009 |
Join March 7 events against Sharia and Religious-based Tribunals in Britain and elsewhere This is your chance to voice your opposition to Sharia law and all religious-based tribunals in Britain and elsewhere, demand one secular law and full citizenship rights, demand an end to cultural relativism and racism, and defend universal rights. On the 7th, meet at North Terrace, Trafalgar Square, 3:30-4:30pm for a symbolic demonstration followed by a march towards Conway Hall from 4:30-5:30pm. Then join a public meeting entitled Sharia Law, Sexual Apartheid and Women’s Rights from 6:00-8:00pm at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL. Speakers include: Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (Journalist and British Muslims for Secular Democracy Chair), Naser... Filed as: Press Releases |