October 22, 2007
The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain notes with concern the Islamist campaign to give legal weight to Sharia law within British law. The campaign seeks to influence family and legal practitioners into dealing with particularly children of Muslim parents in accordance with Sharia law. Universal principles and laws must apply to all, and practitioners must understand that no section of the population should come under the jurisdiction of religious laws under the guise of multiculturalism and legal pluralism. It is discriminatory and unfair to have different and separate standards and norms for ‘different’ people. Children in particular must be given...
Filed as: Press Releases

October 10, 2007
British Universities have a public duty to immediately terminate the studies of any medical students refusing to attend lectures or answer exam questions on alcohol-related or sexually transmitted diseases. If a medic is not competent to deal with such diseases then there can be no question of that person ever becoming a doctor; it follows therefore that there is no point in training doctors with such critical gaps in their knowledge.
Filed as: Press Releases

September 12, 2007

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June 26, 2007
6 MPs have called on UK MPs to support the following Early Day Motion in favour of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain. You can help getting more MPs on board by doing the following: Write to your MP, identifying and quoting the motion and ideally offering arguments in favour of it. If you don’t know who your MP is or how to contact them, visit http://www.parliament.uk /people. If your MP has already signed, congratulate them. Government ministers don’t sign EDMs. If your MP is a minister, ask them what the Government are doing about the matter. You may be...
Filed as: Press Releases

June 21, 2007

Filed as: Press Releases

June 21, 2007

Filed as: Press Releases

June 21, 2007

Filed as: Press Releases

June 21, 2007

Filed as: Press Releases

June 21, 2007

Filed as: Press Releases

June 19, 2007

Filed as: Press Releases