July 11, 2022
July 2022 Another Surah from #womansquran آیه دیگری از قران زن ‎ای مومنین، اگر موی زنان شما را آزار میدهد ‎چشم بند خر را برای شما آفریدیم قران‌ زن، سوره حمار، آیه ۵۹ Oh ye believing men. If a woman’s hair bothers you, a donkey’s mask has been created just for you. Woman’s Quran, Surah of The Donkey, Verse 59 ⁦‪#FreeFromHijab‬⁩. ‎⁦‪#12July‬⁩ ⁦‪#No2Hijab‬⁩  #حجاب_بی_حجاب ⁧‫۲۱تیر‬⁩# March 2022 Photo of Maryam Namazie ‘Your women are a tilth for you so go to your tilth as ye will.’  – Quran, Surah 223, The Cow Tilth hay* so you have your share.  –...
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June 13, 2022
One Law for All campaign is deeply saddened to hear of the death of Terry Sanderson, a great advocate for secularism and universal values.  We send our love and sympathy to his civil partner Keith Porteous Wood. As President of the National Secular Society, Terry was a great supporter of our work, of the Council of ex-Muslims of Britain and of secular feminist activism. His warmth and generosity encouraged us in hard times. Terry never chased celebrity, but through his work on gay rights, secularism and other issues, he was a major influence and support to thousands of people in...
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June 13, 2022
Maryam Namazie speaking on Blasphemous Women on 13 June 2022 at Brave Women for 2022 talk organised by Center for Civil Courage from Croatia and Women’s Solidarity from Serbia. Brave Women for 2022 presents courageous women from all over the world whose thoughts and deeds encourage us every day in our struggle for women’s liberation. In this talk, Maryam discusses the status of women in Islam, how being a free woman is an act of blasphemy and why blasphemy and apostasy are key to liberation. She also responds to questions regarding offence, the Left and Right debate, conflation of criticism...
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June 8, 2022
Mohamed Rusthum Mujuthaba, a leading atheist and secularist in Maldives, faces a prison sentence if convicted of blasphemy. Though his court hearing on 23 June 2022 was postponed, he faces ongoing harassment, intimidation and persecution at the hands of the Maldivian government for practicing his fundamental right of freedom of expression and conscience. He has previously been detained for more than 6 months without trial for blasphemous content on social media. During his detention, he has been subjected to inhuman treatment, including a punch to the chest that left him breathless and in pain for days, psychological tests to ascertain...
Filed as: Homepage, Press Releases

April 2, 2022
It’s opposite of #HappyRamadan #RamadanKareem #RamadanMubarak. #Ramadan’s a bleak month where people are tortured, beaten, shunned, imprisoned for not submitting to fasting rules like in #Iran. #HappyFastDefying #FastDefyingKareem #DontGiveADamn4Ramadan #رمضان یک ماه تیره و تار است که در آن مردم به خاطر عدم تسلیم به قوانین روزه شکنجه می شوند، مورد ضرب و شتم قرار می گیرند، طرد و زندانی می شوند. مانند در ایران #روزه_خواری_مبارک #روزه_خواری_کریم
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March 22, 2022
On #AtheistDay2022, 23 March, join us in celebrating atheism and Godlessness. Draw a circle on your hand to make your presence known. Atheist Day was established in 2019 by Atheist Republic and Ex-Muslims International, a coalition of ex-Muslim groups. You can find out more here. Graphics by Victoria Gugenheim.
Filed as: Press Releases

March 22, 2022
Soheil Arabi and Maryam Namazie live on a special #AtheistDay programme of Ex-Muslims of Scandinavia with hosts Atieh Niknafas and Milad Resaeimanesh at 9:00am UK time, 10:00am CET, 12:30pm Tehran time. In Persian. لینک Facebook لینک YouTube در ویژه برنامه نهاد اکس مسلم اسکاندیناوی به مناسبت روز جهانی آتئیست شرکت کنید. با حضور: مریم نمازی سهیل عربی گردانندگان: عطیه نیک نفس میلاد رسایی منش زمان: چهارشنبه، ۲۳ مارس ۳ فروردین ۱۰:۰۰ صبح اروپا مرکزی ۱۲:۳۰ تهران
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March 17, 2022
Nazanin Is Free, FiLiA, 17 March 2022 With the news that Nazanin is home, we at FiLiA wish to start by offering our love and solidarity to Nazanin, Richard, Gabriella and their family. We also welcome Anoosheh Ashoori and send love to his daughter Elika Ashoori and family. Since reports first started circling that Nazanin and Annosheh were at the airport in Tehran we were on tenterhooks waiting for the news that they had arrived safely home. To know that they are back – it’s hard to find the words to describe. Last year when Richard’s hunger strike began –...
Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases

March 6, 2022
Photo of Maryam Namazie ‘Your women are a tilth for you so go to your tilth as ye will.’  – Quran, Surah 223, The Cow Tilth hay* so you have your share.  – Woman’s Quran, Surah 223, The Donkey *Donkeys ideally should have a diet consisting of straw or hay. #WomansQuran #IWD2022 #Woman #Iran #IShitOnIslam You can download the Woman’s Quran here. It’s blank because there is nothing good in Islam for women. ‎زنان كشتزار شما هستند ‎قرآن سوره بقره آيه ٢٢٣- زرشک ‎يونجه بكار خودتم بی نصيب نمونی ‎قرآن زنان سوره حمار آيه ٢٢٣- ‎آيه داريم دوتا دوتا سه...
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March 4, 2022
In the 1960s, feminists threw items of women’s oppression into a “freedom bin” as protest. On 8 March, International Women’s Day, we throw our hijabs in the “freedom bin” and burn them. The hijab, a tool to suppress women and girls, belongs in the dustbins of history… در دهه ۶۰ میلادی، فمینیست ها اقلامی را که آنها را تحت ستم قرار می داد را به اعتراض در “سطل رهایی” می انداختند. ‎ ما در ۸ مارس حجاب خود که ابزار سرکوب زنان و دختران است را به آتش می کشیم و در “سطل رهایی” می اندازیم. جای حجاب در زباله...
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