October 26, 2021
Dear Friend Hope you are well. Your urgent action and solidarity are requested. SOLIDARITY POSTCARDS TO SOHEIL ARABI AND HIS MOTHER Over 200 organisations and individuals have called for the release of an Iranian blogger imprisoned for ‘blasphemy’. The initiative aims to free atheist Soheil Arabi who has been imprisoned in Iran since 2013. Since 19 October, Arabi has been on hunger strike and his mother, Farangis Mazloum, has been summoned to serve an 18-month prison sentence for demanding justice for her son. Mazloum says she is extremely concerned about her son’s situation and has not heard from him. Please...
Filed as: Press Releases

October 26, 2021
TO SIGN ON TO THIS STATEMENT OF SOLIDARITY WITH MINA AHADI, please send your full name, description, country to hello@council-of-ex-muslims-of-britain-e5a565.ingress-baronn.ewp.live or write it in the comments section below.  دوستان گرامی تا روز 31 اکتبر امضاهاشامل اسم و فامیل و کشور محل سکونت جمع آوری میشود و سپس برای رسانه ها و دولت آلمان ارسال میشود. شما هم میتوانید امضا کنید. ممنون از همکاری German, Persian translations follow below Following a 15 October protest against Cologne City Council’s permit to mosques to broadcast the call to prayer or Azaan, Islamists have threatened Mina Ahadi with death. One such threat states: “We...
Filed as: Press Releases

October 22, 2021
On Saturday 20 November from 6-8pm, CEMB and One Law for All are screening “Women Leaving Islam” for the first time in London. After the film, there will be a panel discussion on Blasphemous Women and Equality. Speakers include Somali Ex-Muslim Voices Founder Halima Salat, CEMB Spokesperson Maryam Namazie, youtuber and Counsellor Mimzy Vidz, Youtuber Nuriyeh Khan, Writer and Southall Black Sisters Activist Rahila Gupta and Clinical Psychologist Savin Bapir-Tardy. Tickets are £5.00. Due to Covid rules, space is limited so please get your tickets today. On Saturday 20 November from 6-9pm, CEMB is screening “Women Leaving Islam” for the...
Filed as: Press Releases

October 21, 2021
Updated 20 October 2021   INTRODUCTION These suggestions have been collated from many external sources that the author does not endorse and are primarily aimed at users that find themselves in need of greater security, privacy and anonymity for their electronic communications. The assumption is that your computer is running a version of MS Windows, but again the suggestions can apply to other operating systems or platforms that have similar software. There is no such thing as a 100% secure communication over an electronic medium such as the global internet or telephony network. Many of the suggestions here do provide...
Filed as: Homepage, Press Releases, Resources

October 3, 2021
  Greetings. I am Farangis Mazloum, Soheil Arabi’s mother. He is an atheist and anarchist prisoner [in Iran who was initially sentenced to death for Facebook posts]. I would like to thank those calling for October 3rd to be named International Soheil Day. I ask everyone who is watching this video to support us and to support Soheil. Soheil should have been freed many years ago because of all that he had suffered and the amnesty. However, unfortunately, not only did they not release him, but they added two more years imprisonment to his sentence. I appreciate your efforts in...
Filed as: Press Releases

September 28, 2021
Dear friend We hope you are well and safe. We wanted to write and give you an update of upcoming events and actions. BLASPHEMY DAY, 30 September Join CEMB in celebrating blasphemy by uploading your photo into our #blasphemyday frame and sharing on social media. If you can’t show your face because it may put you at risk, hide it or leave it blank. Artist Victoria Gugenheim explains how to add your photo to the frame here. On this day, we reiterate that blasphemy is not a crime. It is part and parcel of freedom of conscience and expression and...
Filed as: Press Releases

September 28, 2021
Join CEMB in celebrating blasphemy by uploading your photo into our #blasphemyday frames below and sharing on social media. If you can’t show your face because it may put you at risk, hide it or leave it blank. On this day, we reiterate that blasphemy is not a crime. It is part and parcel of freedom of conscience and expression. Clearly, ideas don’t need rights, people do. Artist Victoria Gugenheim explains how to add your photo to the frame: 1- Save the blasphemy day photo frames to your phone (see below). 2- Go to Google Play Store / Apple Store...
Filed as: Press Releases

September 27, 2021
Farsi, Arabic, French and Spanish translations and list of Signatories below. To add your signature, please email maryamnamazie@gmail.com or add your name and description in the comments section below. The list will be updated daily until end of 3 October, International Soheil Day. Soheil Arabi is an Iranian atheist initially sentenced to death for ‘insulting the Prophet of Islam’ in Facebook posts. Due to public pressure, his sentence was reduced but he continues to face multiple additional charges in attempts to silence him since his arrest in November 2013. In August 2021, his lawyer Tweeted that Soheil had been sentenced...
Filed as: Press Releases

September 26, 2021
29-30 October 2021 Vrijdenkersfestival 2021 (Freethinkers Festival 2021) De Balie, Amsterdam Met onafhankelijke geesten uit alle windhoeken, de een nog moediger dan de ander. Het begrip vrijheid is onlosmakelijk verbonden met Amsterdam. De stad deed in de 17e eeuw al dienst als veilige haven. Voor vrijdenkers, afvalligen en andere lastpakken. Vanzelfsprekend trokken scherpe geesten als René Descartes, John Locke en Baruch de Spinoza naar de stad. Waar anders konden ze wonen, denken, schrijven en publiceren? Wie elders om zijn denkbeelden werd verjaagd, kreeg in Amsterdam een warm welkom. Als andersdenkende werd je er gezien en gehoord. Vanaf dat moment is...
Filed as: Press Releases

August 28, 2021
Carte blanche: liberté, dignité et fraternité pour l’Afghanistan, Le Soir, 28 August 2021 Nous, signataires de ce message de solidarité envers le peuple afghan, sommes, certes, contre toute ingérence d’un pays tiers, quelles que soient ses bonnes ou louables intentions, à l’intérieur d’une nation souveraine et indépendante. Nous sommes également, à l’inverse, pour l’autodétermination des peuples, leur autonomie comme leur liberté. Aussi, ce contre quoi nous nous insurgeons donc ici, est-ce, avant tout, la manière – la méthode –, improvisée et bâclée, dont l’Occident, les Etats-Unis d’Amérique en tête, mais aussi l’Union européenne, vient de quitter précipitamment, en ces deux...
Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases