August 28, 2021 |
Carte blanche: liberté, dignité et fraternité pour l’Afghanistan, Le Soir, 28 August 2021 Carte blanche: liberté, dignité et fraternité pour l’Afghanistan, Le Soir, 28 August 2021 Nous, signataires de ce message de solidarité envers le peuple afghan, sommes, certes, contre toute ingérence d’un pays tiers, quelles que soient ses bonnes ou louables intentions, à l’intérieur d’une nation souveraine et indépendante. Nous sommes également, à l’inverse, pour l’autodétermination des peuples, leur autonomie comme leur liberté. Aussi, ce contre quoi nous nous insurgeons donc ici, est-ce, avant tout, la manière – la méthode –, improvisée et bâclée, dont l’Occident, les Etats-Unis d’Amérique en tête, mais aussi l’Union européenne, vient de quitter précipitamment, en ces deux... Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases |
August 25, 2021 |
Women Against Taliban, Frauen gegen Taliban, Hpd, 25 August 2021 Women Against Taliban, Frauen gegen Taliban, Hpd, 25 August 2021 With the takeover by the Taliban in Afghanistan, people around the world are fearing that the Taliban’s first victims will be millions of women. Only a few days has passed since the takeover by this reactionary force, and the Taliban leaders are already talking about ordering young girls into forced marriages, imprisoning women in their homes and imposing compulsory hijab and Islamic laws; and, wherever they have been able to, they have started attacking women and girls. We are not only deeply concerned about the safety, right to life and... Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases |
June 17, 2021 |
Worthy, A Poem “Worthy”, a poem inspired by an interview with Maryam Namazie written and performed by S. Filed as: Press Releases |
June 15, 2021 |
Instagram and its Censorship of Ex-Muslims Instagram had initially hidden #ExMuslim hashtag. Then it was “No Results Found”. Finally, after much protest, the hashtag as been reinstated. Just another example of discriminating against #Islam’s #atheists & non-believers and erasing their existence, which only aids the #Islamists and furthers persecution e-Muslims face. Filed as: Press Releases |
May 25, 2021 |
Study on the experiences of ex-Muslims in the UK How free is free speech for #exMuslims? How did family and friends react? What is biggest challenge? Benjamin Jones, doctoral researcher at Warwick University, wants to know. If you an ex-Muslim living in the UK, and would like to take part, please contact him at Any ex-Muslim over the age of 18 is welcome to take part. Interviews will last roughly one hour, and will take place online (or via email, if preferred). Questions will consider your experiences, beliefs, activism (if applicable) and priorities. All participants will be given pseudonyms in the final research, so participants’ real names will... Filed as: Press Releases |
April 27, 2021 |
Iran: Two on death row for blasphemy Two people have been sentenced to death on blasphemy charges and are being held in Arak. Yousef Mehrdad of Ardabil has been named as one of the two, although the identity of the other remains unknown. Yousef Mehrdad is facing other charges, including insulting Iranian leaders and acting against national security. According to Narges Mohammadi, vice president of the Defenders of Human Rights Center, Mehrad has three small children. He has been unable to contact his family for eight months, according to her Instagram message. The second chapter of Iran’s Penal Code, Book 5, includes insulting sacred religious beliefs. Article... Filed as: Press Releases |
April 27, 2021 |
When Women Leave Islam: With Maryam Namazie, Secular Jihadists, 27 April 2021 When Women Leave Islam: With Maryam Namazie, Secular Jihadists, 27 April 2021 Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases |
April 26, 2021 |
URGENT ACTION: Algerian Scholar is imprisoned for 3 years for ‘offending Islam’ Sign a petition demanding release of Said Djabelkhir who has been sentenced to three years for ‘offending Islam’ in #Algeria. Islam is a belief that must be open to criticism & doubt. Real offence is violation of free conscience & expression. STOP 144 كفا 144 Sign petition: #BlasphemyNotACrime TRIAL OF THE INQUISITION: ISLAMIST NEPOTISM On April 22, 2021, Saïd DJABELKHIR, an Islamologist, was condemned by an Algerian court to 3 years in jail following the complaint lodged by Abderrazak BOUIDJRA, a computer engineer, supported by some people from the Islamist movement, citing article 144 bis – an attack... Filed as: Press Releases |
April 20, 2021 |
Creativity in Protesting Religious Fundamentalism, TedX Warwick with Maryam Namazie Maryam Namazie’s TedX Warwick talk on Creativity in Protesting Religious Fundamentalism has finally been published a year later but without slides. Before her talk, there was an attempt to censor some of her slides with nudity. Also, the Islamic Society at Warwick University had petitioned against her talk. She refused to remove any of her slides and the talk went ahead as planned. However, TedX has now censored ALL her slides – a de facto anti-blasphemy policy. This after over a year of back and forth asking when it would be published. Initially, she was told that her talk would not... Filed as: Featured, Homepage, Press Releases |
April 19, 2021 |
TedX Anti-Blasphemy Censorship, #Ramadamn, Batley School & More Dear Friend TEDX PUBLISHES MARYAM NAMAZIE’S CENSORED TALK Maryam Namazie’s TEDx Warwick talk on ‘Creativity in Protesting Religious Fundamentalism’ has finally been published more than a year later as a result of public pressure – but without any slides. Namazie had initially been informed that her talk would not be published. An advisory on the video states: ‘Some viewers may find elements of this talk to be distressing or objectionable.’ CEMB finds the de facto blasphemy censorship and the erasure and dehumanisation of ex-Muslim stories distressing and dehumanising. You can see the TedX video here. Censored slides can be seen... Filed as: Press Releases |