May 10, 2019
August 30 until September 1st, De Balie, Amsterdam   Freedom of thought and expression is not a given, it requires continuous effort to safeguard it. Especially for those who dare to be different, to leave their religion or doctrine, to speak out and stand alone. In a time where dissenters continue to be threatened, silenced, excluded, intimidated and even killed for rejecting and criticising the prevailing opinion or religion, a celebration of free speech is an act of resistance.   This weekend, we will highlight these themes and give room to those who are threatened worldwide for thinking and speaking...
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May 1, 2019 CEMB logo
1st May 2019 Dear educational providers, Ramadan is fast approaching, a holy month within Islam requiring Muslims to fast from dawn to dusk, which in the summer months can be up to 13+ hours without food and water. The Minnesota semi-starvation study found that by reducing an individual’s daily calories to half their daily allowance had dramatic effects such as: A substantial increase in food preoccupations, such as odd eating behaviours, obsessions in food/cookbooks/menus, spending the day planning how and what they would eat, binge eating, reports of feeling “out of control with food” and feelings of guilt and shame...
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April 26, 2019 CEMB logo
We are a family, even though the Social Supervision considers my daughter as a task, as they have expressed several times before. My daughter is almost 8 years old, and she is not our biological child , although my husband and I got her when she was about 48 hours old. She is psychologically our child, and we are her psychological parents. We are mum and dad, we have always been. Legally, though, we are foster parents for our daughter. This summer she got a little brother who is biologically ours, and there is truly no difference to us as...
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April 26, 2019
Hello dear friend We hope you are well. We are just writing to give you an update of our upcoming activities, namely fast-defying during Ramadan and defending LGBT rights and apostasy in the run up to Gay Pride in London.   17 MAY – CHILD FASTING IS CHILD ABUSE PROTEST AT DEPT FOR EDUCATION This year, CEMB’s fast-defying action will include a protest at the Department for Education on 17th May at 12pm to highlight the Department’s inaction with regards to child fasting in schools during Ramadan. We are calling on the Department to ban child fasting in schools and...
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April 25, 2019
In the past years, Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain has held fast-defying protests at embassies in solidarity with those who are persecuted for eating and drinking during Ramadan. This year, CEMB’s fast-defying action will include a protest at the Department for Education on 17th May at 12pm. The 17 May protest at the Department for Education aims to highlight the Department’s inaction with regards to child fasting in schools during Ramadan. Child fasting should be banned as it is harmful to children. If a child is sent to school without breakfast and not allowed to eat lunch or drink water...
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April 25, 2019
We are outraged at the Islamist attacks on churches and hotels in Sri Lanka. Our hearts go out to the survivors and victims – hundreds killed, including at least 45 children, and more than 500 wounded. We mourn them with the people of Sri Lanka and the world.   The terrorists claim to have killed innocent Christians and others in order to “avenge” innocent Muslims killed in Christchurch; the Christchurch terrorist also feigned to kill innocent Muslim worshippers as an act of “vengeance”. What should by now be very clear to everyone is that these terrorist attacks have nothing to...
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April 24, 2019
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) has fought hard to take part in Gay Pride after the East London Mosque and Mend (Islamist bodies) filed official complaints in 2017 with Pride for our ‘Islamophobic’ placards. It took Pride 8 months to finally allow us to march again in 2018 after we stressed the importance of normalising blasphemy when one can be killed for it. Since our first participation in Pride, we have worked hard to explain the difference between apostasy/blasphemy and bigotry, to show how minorities within minorities have the right to think and live...
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April 15, 2019
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain Protested The Death Penalty For Gay Sex In Brunei Many of the Council of Ex-Muslim’s of Britain’s supporters and volunteers showed their outrage at the introduction of the death penalty for gay sex in Brunei by protesting outside The Dorchester Hotel in London. On 6th April 2019, many volunteers and supporters of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain joined the Peter Tatchell Foundation and nearly 400 protesters to condemn the brutal introduction of the death penalty by stoning for gay sex and public whipping as a punishment for lesbian sex in the country of Brunei....
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March 27, 2019
 SAMINT’s artwork was shown at the 23 March Atheist Day ex-Muslim women speak out event in London. A growing number of atheists are currently coming out of the closet, even in theocratic, confessionalist or religiously influenced countries. In these difficult times, as we witness a massive religious backlash, organising this first international Atheist Day is an excellent initiative. Today, in London, ex-Muslim women’s standpoint is in the spotlight but one shall never forget that all religions and all sects are profoundly misogynistic and serve the patriarchy’s interests. Islamists do NOT have any proper social project, only the obsessive will to...
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March 26, 2019
VIDEOS AND PHOTOS OF THE EVENT ARE BELOW. March 23rd, International Atheist Day, was observed for the first time across the world, providing a space for non believers to come out in public, defend freethought and show solidarity with those who risk their lives and freedom because they are atheists. The day was initiated by an international ex-Muslim coalition, namely Arab Atheists, Ateizm Derneği, Atheist Agnostic Alliance of Pakistan, Atheist Republic, Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB), Council of Ex-Muslims of France, Council of Ex-Muslims of Jordan, Council of Ex-Muslims of Morocco, Council of Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka, Ex-Muslims of...
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