January 8, 2013
In the coming year, we plan to do much more with your help. As a matter of urgency we ask that you start the year by intervening on behalf of a number of urgent cases, including that of Zanyar and Loghman Moradi who face imminent execution in Iran for “enmity against god” and “corruption on earth”; Raif Badawi, Turki Al-Hamad and Hamza Kashgari who face blasphemy and apostasy charges in Saudi Arabia; and Alex Aan who remains in prison in Indonesia for “tarnishing Islam”.
Filed as: Press Releases

December 31, 2012
The CEMB affiliated Manchester Ex-Muslim Meet-Up group which was established in November 2012 by Sandbad has been renamed Northern Ex-Muslim Meet-up Group. Ex-Muslims from Leeds, Bradford and surrounding areas are now part of the group. They are looking for ex-Muslims in the North to join them, including from Liverpool.
Filed as: Press Releases

December 7, 2012
Whilst questions are now rightly being asked about the policies of Christian Unions elsewhere in the country, no one has yet dared publicly inquire as to the treatment of women by Student Union Islamic Societies, in Bristol or elsewhere. It appears that the likely findings may prove too awkward for many, fearful that legitimate questioning may be met with unfounded but nevertheless problematic accusations of racism and intolerance. The result is an unequal treatment with regards women under Islam as opposed to Christianity, which undermines the very same principle of universal equality that vocal opponents of the Christian Union policy endeavoured to defend.
Filed as: Press Releases

December 7, 2012
The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) unequivocally supports the London School of Economics Student Union Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society’s decision to add ‘ex-Muslim’ to its name.
Filed as: Press Releases

December 5, 2012
Dear friend UPCOMING EVENTS The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) has a number of events and meetings planned in the next few weeks. On 11 December 2012 we are having end-year drinks for our members and supporters with philosopher A C Grayling from 18:30-20:00 hours in central London. Email exmuslimcouncil@gmail.com to RSVP. Entry is £10 per person; £7 for unwaged (including one drink and canapés). A C Grayling will be speaking on ‘Secularism as a Human Right’. On 28 January 2013, there will be an ex-Muslim women’s coffee morning from 11:30-1:00pm and a meet-up for ex-Muslim asylum seekers and...
Filed as: Press Releases

December 5, 2012
If one thinks for one minute that apostasy deserves the death penalty in the eyes of fundamentalists, one can evaluate the risks these people are taking, for the sake of clarifying concepts and standing for their right not to have a faith label imposed on them on the ground of origins. Not only does it breach the taboo of apostasy in Islam, but paradoxically, by its very name, it forces European people not to brand them ‘Muslims’.
Filed as: Press Releases

December 5, 2012
We are delighted to invite artists to submit a poster design for entry into our unique international poster competition, which aims to raise awareness on the status of ex-Muslims. The competition is open to everyone across the globe.
Filed as: Press Releases

October 7, 2012
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and One Law for All are calling on everyone to join the Day of Agreement. It’s quite easy to do. On 10 October, upload the day’s logo as your avatar on social media, Tweet #dayofagreement or try it with your colleagues, family and friends. You can also join our five minute flash-mob at 12 noon in central London. (Email for more details). Just remember, you can’t disagree with anyone - your colleagues, spouse, lover(s), mates, neighbours, children, bosses, or even politicians... You are not allowed to dissent, ‘offend’ or question. And before anyone gets too excited, they have to remember that they must also agree with everything you say. It's only fair...
Filed as: Press Releases

September 13, 2012
The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain would like to make public its support for Tom Holland’s Channel 4 documentary 'Islam: The Untold Story'. We are indignant to learn that due to threats made on Holland, Channel 4 has cancelled a repeat screening of the historical inquiry into the origins of Islam similar to the kind of inquiry that has been applied to other religions and histories in Britain for many years. The CEMB urges the public to view the documentary, Islam: the Untold Story, and write to Channel 4 and Ofcom calling for a repeat screening.
Filed as: Press Releases

September 12, 2012
The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain would like to make public our support for Tom Holland’s Channel 4 documentary 'Islam: The Untold Story'. We are indignant to learn that due to threats made on Holland, Channel 4 has cancelled a repeat screening of the historical inquiry into the origins of Islam similar to the kind of inquiry that has been applied to other religions and histories in Britain for many years.
Filed as: Press Releases