July 10, 2012
Maryam Namazie and Anne Marie Waters of One Law for All and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain met with Trevor Phillips, Chair of Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), on 28 June to raise our concerns about sharia courts in Britain and the Charities Commission's refusal of charity status for secular organisations. Nobel Laureate Harry Kroto was also present at the meeting.
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July 10, 2012
Musa Budeiri, a professor at Birzeit University, the oldest Palestinian University, has been asked by the university to issue an apology to Islamist students who were offended by cartoons posted on his door. The Islamists distributed leaflets on campus saying that the cartoons were ‘an insult to Islam’ and that the professor should apologize and be punished. Whilst Budeiri refused to apologise or go abroad for a semester, he agreed to give an explanation for the educational objectives in posting cartoons. He said: “They have opened up a discussion and have exhibited an ability of students to exercise their empowerment,...
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July 3, 2012
Over one hundred people joined the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s hugely successful 5th anniversary celebration luncheon in London on 23 June 2012. Guests heard from philosopher AC Grayling, theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss, comedian Kate Smurthwaite, writer Gita Sahgal, singer/songwriter Shelley Segal, dancer Maryam Freeflower, DV8 Physical Theatre Director Lloyd Newson, and poet Lilith. Magician Neil Edwards also performed whilst CEMB founder Maryam Namazie gave the closing address.
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July 3, 2012
Below are photos of speakers and acts at the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s Fifth Anniversary lunch. The audience was not photographed.  Master of Ceremonies, Fariborz Pooya  Philosopher AC Grayling  Theoretical Physicist Lawrence Krauss  Writer Gita Sahgal  Singer/Songwriter Shelley Segal  Poet Lilith  Comedian Kate Smurthwaite  Dancer Maryam Freeflower  CEMB Founder Maryam Namazie The video of the event can be seen here. The report of the event can be read here.
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June 16, 2012
For the past 5 years, the Council of Ex-Muslims has played an important role in defending the right to free expression, including the right to criticise religion, whilst supporting ex-Muslims and challenging Islamism and apostasy laws. We’ve also defended the rights of Muslims and others to equality and citizenship rights via the One Law for All campaign we kick started in 2008.
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June 16, 2012
To become an "Ex" of any religion needs intelligence and education. To become an Ex-Muslim needs courage as well. Maryam Namazie has the additional ability to inspire others to follow her admirable example. Many congratulations on the fifth anniversary of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain. Richard Dawkins FRS, University of Oxford, UK The Council of Ex-Muslims performs a vitally important service to the cause of liberty of conscience and all the human rights involved with it. I applaud its courage, humanity, determination and persistence. A C Grayling, philosopher, UK
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June 16, 2012
30 year old atheist Alexander Aan has been sentenced to two and a half years in prison and fined for having written “God does not exist” on Facebook. He was found guilty of “deliberately spreading information inciting religious hatred and animosity” and “caused anxiety to the community and tarnished Islam”.
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June 13, 2012
Ismail ‘Hilath’ Rasheed, a Maldivian blogger, journalist and free speech advocate, has been brutally attacked near his home on 4 June 2012. His throat was slit through the trachea and he survived only because a vital artery was missed by millimetres. He remains in critical condition. Whilst police are still investigating, it is believed to be the work of Islamists.
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April 10, 2012
ALEX AAN 30 year old atheist Alex Aan, the civil servant who had been beaten and arrested in Indonesia because his postings on Facebook 'insulted Islam' is stull in prison. In an update on his case, it's reported that he has been indicted on three counts. HAMZA KASHGARI In other news, there have been some reports that 23 year old Hamza Kashgari who faces execution in Saudi Arabia for his Tweets about Mohammad is now out of danger and is to be released imminently or that he is only being held 'for his own safety'. But these reports are not true.
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March 2, 2012
Countless individuals face threats, imprisonment, and execution because of their criticism of religion and religious authorities. Blasphemy and Apostasy laws as well as uncodified rules imposed by both state and non-state actors aim primarily to restrict thought and expression and limit the rights of Muslims, ex-Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Such rules exist in a number of countries including Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Jordan, Morocco, Turkey, Yemen, Iraq and elsewhere. On 14 March 2012, we, the undersigned, are calling for simultaneous events and actions in defence of the critics of religion in order to highlight medieval laws and exert pressure to save the lives of the women and men facing execution, imprisonment or threats.
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